Chelmsford College unveils new purpose-built construction facility

The Centre for Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST) boasts cutting-edge workshops for trade and technical construction

David Warnes, Principal of Chelmsford College, Vicky Ford MP for Chelmsford, Adam Bryan CEO of SELEP

Pictured from left to right, David Warnes, Principal of Chelmsford College, Vicky Ford MP for Chelmsford, Adam Bryan CEO of SELEP (Image: Steve Wright)

Chelmsford College celebrated the launch of its new purpose-built construction facility on 3rd February 2023, which was officially opened by Chelmsford MP, Vicky Ford.

Aiming to launch the careers of aspiring construction professionals, this facility provides resources and equipment to support the education and training of learners and apprentices.

Funded by South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP), Chelmsford College’s Centre for Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST) is located at its Princes Road Campus and features cutting-edge workshops for trade and technical construction.

Its workshops enable the design, construction and operation on low carbon building technology and the effective use of these technologies to meet the required demand for growth in this SELEP priority sector.

SELEP’s key priorities include increasing construction apprenticeships and industry-relevant qualifications, and Chelmsford College works hard to continually equip learners with the required skills to meet the needs of local infrastructure projects.

The college has just launched the new technical Level (T Levels) in Design, Surveying and Planning in Construction which will support this ambition.The BEST Centre will also support the Government’s Industrial Strategy - Building a Britain Fit for the Future, ' to establish a technical education system which rivals the best in the world to stand alongside our world-class higher education system'.

Inspiring future generations

college learner, Anthony Abbott Affinia Associates

Pictured left to right, college learner, Anthony Abbott Affinia Associates (Image: Steve Wright)

Chelmsford College’s rationale has always been to inspire future generations. The college wants its learners to become aware of and adopt innovative technologies, materials, methods, and green skills.

The BEST Centre is strengthened by a state-of-the-art Institute of Technology (IOT) facility at Chelmsford College, which was also launched on the same day.

The IOT is one of several in the country. Funded by SELEP, it is part of a wider group of colleges and universities known as South East Institute of Technology.

With the aim of promoting higher-level skills, there is a real focus on digital technology including a dedicated computer-aided laboratory, virtual/augmented reality, rapid prototyping and 3D printing.

 IOT partners, Debbie Garroway, Chelmsford College, Jayne Sheehan, South Essex College, Lewis O’Callaghan Mid Kent College, Angela O’Donoghue, SE IOT Lead, Jane Le Poidevin Mid Kent College, Vicky Ford, MP for Chelmsford, Chris Hare, Mid Kent College

Pictured from left to right are IOT partners, Debbie Garroway, Chelmsford College, Jayne Sheehan, South Essex College, Lewis O’Callaghan Mid Kent College, Angela O’Donoghue, SE IOT Lead, Jane Le Poidevin Mid Kent College, Vicky Ford, MP for Chelmsford, Chris Hare, Mid Kent College (Image: Steve Wright)

These new and exciting facilities aim to support advanced learners in the Construction and Engineering industries.

Simon Drane, Director of Curriculum at Chelmsford College’s Princes Road campus, said: "We want the best for our students. We want them to understand and appreciate the skills and training which are valuable to employers before they leave College."

"In this way, they will be ready to contribute to the workforce and apply their skills to deliver a more sustainable way of building in the future."

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