
We want our students to feel safe, able to voice their concerns and opinions and feel listened to.

Safeguarding means keeping children and young people safe and promoting their welfare in these ways:

  • Protecting from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of health or development
  • Growing up in a safe and cared for environment
  • Taking action to enable the best outcomes

Our College Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded HERE. More detailed definitions on neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, bullying or harassment (including e-safety), forced marriage and radicalisation are included in this policy.

The important thing is to know that if something bothers you, it bothers us.

Talk with us, we can help.

If something worries you, you can speak with any member of staff or ask for help from our Student Support Team.

Our designated safeguarding lead is:

If you would like support over a Safeguarding matter please call us on 0800 977 4635 or email

There is a reminder of this information on the back of your student ID card which tells you how to get help.