Chelmsford College Events & Open Evenings

Showcase Information Events

Visit the College to see and experience all that is on offer, meet students and talk through your options with our teaching staff and specialist advice and guidance teams.

We hope to be able to invite you to visit the College on these dates:

Next Events

  • Wednesday 21st May 2025 | Full-Time, Adult Learning, Online Courses and Apprenticeships (6pm to 8.30pm)

Please note: You will need to register for these events.


Your booked time represents the time you can arrive at the building. Once admitted you can stay as long as you like and visit as many departments as you're interested in. Please tick which talks you're interested in attending in advance.

You will be able to find out about a wide range of full-time programmes, adult learning and online courses, and our apprenticeship programmes on the evening.

Important Information:

  • Please arrive within your scheduled timeslot in order for us to maintain a steady flow in Reception areas.
  • You may stay as long as you want at the event, you have simply booked your time of arrival.
  • Please DO NOT register more than once as this means others can’t book a space.
  • Please come to your chosen campus first, and you can go to the other campus afterwards.


Parking is available at both campuses however, it is limited. Street parking is available but please make sure you check you are not parking in a resident only zone.


There will be several presentations taking place, across both campuses, during the Showcase Event.

Area of interest

Please find below the area of interests that will be hosted at each campus during the Showcase events.

For information about ‘Adult Learning courses’ please visit the relevant subject area.

Moulsham Street
Access to HE
All other Apprenticeships
Applied Science
Business & Administration
Careers Advice
Creative Industries
ESOL, English & Maths
Health & Social Care
Higher Technical Qualifications
Information Technology
Inspire SEND (Foundation Provision/Supported Internships/Bespoke Provision)
Kings Trust
Online Course information
Travel & Tourism
Princes Road
Apprenticeships: Engineering, Electrical, Carpentry and Joinery & Hair
Careers Advice
Electrical Installation
Hair & Beauty
Higher Technical Qualifications
Hospitality & Catering
Online Course information
Post 16 Teacher Training
Public Services

What's on?

The Showcase event is an excellent opportunity to see what Chelmsford College is like. Visit the various departments, check out the facilities and talk to the tutors who could be working with you next year. We will also have staff available to talk to you about careers, SEND support and student support (including travel & finance).

More help or information?

If you have any queries or require help reading or accessing this information, don't hesitate to call the College Careers Advice Zone on 01245 29 30 31 or email and we'll get back to you with further help.

If you need assistance to gain access to the College, please call the Careers Advice Zone on the number above. Our Equality & Diversity policy is in place to demonstrate our commitment to equality of opportunity for all those visiting, working and studying at our College.