Benefits of working at Chelmsford College

Why work for us? We offer our staff the following:


"The Further Education sector can be a difficult area to work, with some colleges far better than others. For my next move I ensured that I researched fully what was available to me and that lead me to apply to Chelmsford College directly."

"This is because it has a Good reputation in general, has direction as a college and knows where it is heading. Also, workmates elsewhere had recommended it for a good general team atmosphere and working for a good Director and Curriculum Manager."

"Joining Chelmsford College for me is all about trying to improve the learner experience within the sector. Working as a FE engineering lecturer since 2004 has given me a unique set of experiences to invest into this management role and pass on these positive experiences. After completing my Masters in Education in 2018, I wanted a new challenge and my new role as Program Area Manager in Mechanical Engineering has given me the opportunity to achieve this personal aspiration."