Hospitality & Catering Courses & Apprenticeships

If you are passionate about cooking and want to work in the hospitality and catering industry, you are in the right place. Learn what it takes from our industry professionals as you master basic principles, perfect your skills and progress to mastering advanced techniques and knowledge in all aspects of the kitchen, larder and patisserie.

You will learn the laws associated with the industry, how to maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment, health and safety as well as develop essential skills working as part of a team, in a busy kitchen with fast paced instructions. You will gain confidence as you build new skills and create new culinary masterpieces, helping you achieve your qualifications and prepare for work in a professional environment.

We offer courses at different levels to provide you with a range of opportunities for career growth and skill development in the hospitality and catering field.

View Hospitality & Catering Courses

Full-Time Courses

City & Guilds Diploma in Professional Cookery, Level 2 View course details

* Selected online courses could be fully-funded via the Government Adult Education Budget for learners who meet the age, residency and previous qualification criteria.

Pathways Click to explore Pathways

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