Work Experience & Industry Placements

Employers click here to download your WREX booklet

WREX stands for Work Related EXperience. It sums up the opportunity for you to spend time in a real workplace, gaining valuable experience to help you improve your skills, learn more and get a job. WREX can include opportunities for work shadowing, site visits, long and short term placements, talks by employers and Summer work experience.

Employers value potential job applicants who have work experience. When recruiting, 74% of employers say work experience is a critical or significant factor. Employers value soft skills such as communication skills, emotional intelligence, time management, team work and leadership qualities which are often developed through WREX.

Another advantage of work related experience is experiencing the culture of an organisation first hand. Many employers want to shape their workforce by training people in their preferred systems and processes. Taking part in work related experience also allows employers to notice you - employers often head hunt outstanding students or stay in touch for when new job opportunities arise.

As part of your course and College life you’ll take part in WREX.

Your tutor will be able to share more information about when opportunities arise or have been timetabled and if you’d like any further information or to ask after any additional opportunities please see the Careers Advice Team or call 01245 293031 or email

If you’re an employer and would like to provide a work placement or other WREX opportunity please contact our Employer Engagement Advisors, Louise Napolitano or Annette Sonnet on 01245 293412 or 01245 293110.

Industry Placements

Industry placements are replacing work placements. They’ll give 16 to 19 year old technical students the best opportunity to gain relevant skills and get a skilled job. Industry placements are a mandatory part of the new T levels currently being introduced and will support students in learning technical skills at level 3 and above. Whereas work experience might have involved a student shadowing an employee for 1 to 2 weeks, placements provide a minimum of 45 days valuable contribution to a business.

To find out more please contact our Industry Placement Team on 01245 265611 (ext 3319)