Exam Information

Functional Skills Exams

  • You will be emailed nearer the time with the time and date of your exam
  • Remember to check your timetable regularly for updates
  • These are nationally set exams and not mock papers
  • Attendance is compulsory as part of your maths or English programme. Non-attendance may put your course at risk.
  • Mobile phones, earphones, watches and other electronic devices are not allowed in the exam room.
  • If you have any questions about your exams, please email examsteam@chelmsford.ac.uk

Chelmsford College does not accept private candidate for exams. Please view the JCQ website for a list of centres that may be able to accommodate you

GCSE Maths & English Summer 2025

Contact the Exams Team

If you have any questions about these or any other exam, email us at examsteam@chelmsford.ac.uk or visit the Exams Office (M118 at the Moulsham Street campus).

Replacement Certificates

Should you required a replacement certificate for a qualification achieved at Chelmsford College, you will need to contact the awarding body directly. Please follow the links below to access further information page for each organisation: