Exam Information

Exam Support / Access Arrangements

If you are joining us this year or are a returning learner, you will be required to complete a short questionnaire to confirm whether you need support for your exams.

If you have not already done so during your tutorial sessions, please complete the form at https://forms.office.com.

Support that you had in place at school does not automatically carry forward, so it is crucial that we are made aware of any access arrangements you might need.

You may have to undertake an assessment before any arrangements can be granted.

Contact the Exams Team

If you have any questions about these or any other exam, email us at examsteam@chelmsford.ac.uk or visit the Exams Office (M118 at the Moulsham Street campus).

Replacement Certificates

Should you required a replacement certificate for a qualification achieved at Chelmsford College, you will need to contact the awarding body directly. Please follow the links below to access further information page for each organisation: