Access to HE Diplomas (Studied Online)

If you'd like to undertake a university-level course but did not gain the required qualifications during your school years, our Access to Higher Education (HE) courses offer the perfect opportunity for you. These courses are designed to bridge the gap, equipping you with the knowledge and qualifications needed to pursue your academic and career ambitions.

We offer pathways in the below subject area options:

  • Health Professionals
  • Nursing

Choose the Access to HE course that best aligns with both the degree you wish to pursue and your career aspirations. Each Access to HE course is delivered online, providing you with the flexibility you may require. This approach allows you to balance your academic and professional responsibilities, ensuring a flexible and smoother path towards achieving your goals.

Moreover, the online courses could be free! Check course fees for details.

View Access to HE Diplomas (Studied Online) Courses

Full-Time Courses

Access to Higher Education Diploma (Health Professions) View course details
Access to Higher Education Diploma (Nursing) View course details

* Selected online courses could be fully-funded via the Government Adult Education Budget for learners who meet the age, residency and previous qualification criteria.

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