Travel Schemes

Chelmsford College Discretionary Bursary | 2024/2025 Travel Offer

The college discretionary bursary has some additional funds for this academic year which enables us to offer some of our bursary students discounted travel if you reside in a household with a maximum income including any benefits of up to £35K.*

If you have already applied for the college bursary and have been successful then you are already benefiting from a travel discount scheme so you need not apply again.

*Offer only applies to first bus travel using a specific travel ticket (First3Month) and the household where the student resides must apply for the college discretionary bursary in the first instance. Households from £28K to £35K will only be able to apply for the travel discount scheme from the bursary funds and no other costs will be covered or offered. Terms and conditions apply (see policy under bursary).

This offer is only whilst funds are available.

Travel to College

Learners under 19 years of age can apply to Essex County Council for subsidised travel (this is means tested), if Chelmsford College is the nearest place offering your chosen course.

For more information contact Post 16 Transport at Essex County Council: School Transport where you can apply online or call 0345 603 2200.

All full-time learners may apply to use the College Travel Scheme if they are enrolled on a funded full-time programme of study and travelling from the areas covered.

The College Travel Scheme covers travel using First Essex Buses Ltd commercial service routes.

For travel by train please scroll down to the 'Greater Anglia Academic Passes' below.

Download College Travel Scheme