Successful Launch of Billericay Skills Academy
As of the 1st May 2024, Chelmsford College and Billericay Town Football Club (BTFC) have built on their existing partnership to establish the Billericay Skills Academy. This collaborative new development involves co-designing, co-delivering, and co-developing education and community initiatives to benefit both the college and the club, as well as the communities they serve.
With an admirable shared purpose of building on expertise for all involved, this partnership looks to be long-lasting, sustainable, and supportive. The benefits of the Billericay Skills Academy have a vast impact, with the outcomes advantageous for various people. For instance, as well as serving Chelmsford College learners involved in the football teams, several other departments will reap the benefits of this rewarding partnership.
Catering learners studying at Chelmsford College will prepare, cook, and serve food for parents, fans, players, and club staff. With Hutton Football Club's presentation evening upcoming at BTFC, these learners will commendably be tasked with cooking 120 meals, enhancing their practical skills.
Furthermore, media learners gain work experience as they film match days, interviews, and create other exciting content. On the 24th of May 2024, the annual employer 5 a-side tournament will take place; these media learners will film the event, allowing the diverse employers involved to watch and receive promotion from the content produced.
One of the key objectives of the Academy is to co-develop and co-design the Level 3 Sports Programmes offered by Chelmsford College. Significantly, this aim is already starting to materialise as the 10th of May 2024 marked the first year Level 3 Sports learners’ official first day of being taught onsite at BTFC. They will continue to be taught there every Monday and Friday, with plans excitingly underway to convert the club's current shop to another classroom. This means from September, two groups will be taught there, showcasing the development and great work that the Billericay Skills Academy has allowed.
Beyond the numerous benefits for Chelmsford College, BTFC also recognises the value of this partnership. They have exclusive access to a pool of talent to develop and support their own staffing requirements. Additionally, the success of the Billericay Skills Academy sees the evolution of the club grounds with many updates taking place. Currently, a catering unit is being converted to a sports store unit, meaning from the 1st August, the boys and girls will have their own designated store spaces. With the month of August in mind, when pre-season starts, the club will see the highest number of Chelmsford College students, with approximately 120 learners, marking a significant milestone.
With Chelmsford College and BTFC both excited about the future of the academy, further trials for both the boy's and girl's teams are scheduled for the 31st of May 2024. If you’re interested in the Billericay Skills Academy and would like to know more, please email David Cornwell at
"These are really exciting times for both Chelmsford College and Billericay Town Football Club. Not only does this opportunity allow students/players from all over Essex to be part of a football academy coached by professionals and taught by experienced sports lecturers, it also offers work placements across many curriculum areas of the College".